It's time to dive into the ocean of life through Body, Mind and Soul to the Divine Feminine.
It's time to connect with your Wild Essence, Creative Power
and Juicy Sensuality.
It's time for you to go back to your primary nature
home in you.
3 kluczowe elementy REM
Academy of the Divine Feminine
The Academy of the Divine Feminine was created by combining many tools, it is based on the path that I have traveled towards self-love, to connect and adore the body, and to revive the power of life and create dormant in the "house of femininity" - in our womb.
I would like to share my experience and my path. Turn on the light and kindle a fire for those of you who wish to return home - the power within us, which is often dormant, asks for healing.
Come with me on the path of the Divine Feminine. Join me, the circle of women who support each other.
Let the world see your beauty, your glow. I will go down with you into the darkness, I will immerse you in the darkness so that you can be born again in Your Light. It's time to believe that you are a Goddess and that you stand in the Power of Your Feminine .
Gdy się śmiejesz, śpiewasz, wzdychasz, rozmawiasz lub jesz – Twój oddech się zmienia.
Bierzemy oddychanie za coś tak oczywistego, że nawet nie zauważamy jak bardzo jest zmienny. Oddychanie dostosowuje się cały czas do naszego życia, by utrzymać równowagę biochemiczną, ale także by wspierać w emocjach.
Oddychanie reaguje na zmiany w naszym metabolizmie, utrzymuje stałe pH, dostosowuje się wzorcem do aktywności fizycznej, emocji i stanu umysłu. Pomyśl jak wygląda Twój oddech w smutku, gniewie, radości?
Kiedy uwalniamy oddech nie tylko zwiększa się poziom naszej energii i zwiększamy dostęp do naszych emocji. Oddech może nam też posłużyć jako narzędzie do zwiększania równowagi umysłu. Skupienie uwagi na oddechu to niezwykle skuteczny sposób odnajdywania w sobie ośrodka spokoju.
Oddech w wielu różnych technikach będzie nie tylko naszym wewnętrznym przewodnikiem, z którym dotrzemy do podświadomości, naszych emocji, uczuć i tego co nas blokuje ale także będzie naszym uzdrowicielem pomagając nam uwolnić z ciała wszelkie napięcia i zwyczajnie wesprzeć przepływ energii.
How does the trip look like?
The Academy of the Divine Feminine is a series of over 20 meetings held over a period of 11 months. We will meet twice a month on the Zoom platform, which you can connect to from anywhere in the world, each meeting will last a maximum of 2 hours.
You will receive the support of the Divine Feminine Group on Facebook, which will help you make changes in everyday life and will be a space for sharing, posting, and an invitation to participate in transformation processes.
By entering the path of the Divine Feminine, you will immerse yourself in your subconsciousness, body and listen to the voice of your Soul, discover the power of elemental medicine, learn the practices and techniques of working with the body through sensual tantric and breathing practices, movement and shamanic rituals. You will know yourself, your body, you will awaken your wildness in yourself .
As your body awakens, the old mechanisms of action, old patterns, will fall off like withered leaves from trees, creating room for a Juicy New Life.
With each successive stage of awakening, you will discover a New Self, perhaps a forgotten or completely unknown version of You. You will learn to stand behind yourself, choose yourself, communicate your needs clearly, set boundaries, you will love yourself.
You will experience softness and tenderness as well as feminine lightness. You will see beauty and power in your most forbidden and embarrassed areas. Every step I take will direct you towards courage, truth and love as well as your talents and gifts that have always dormant in you .
The Academy of the Divine Feminine is also an opportunity to build Sisterhood - support, share yourself and heal relationships with Women. The space of the Feminine Circle is Sacred and gives you the opportunity to be fully present in everything that is alive in you, which wants to manifest, heal.
You can expect a deep work that touches the body, soul and mind. You will touch aspects that will change the way you think and perceive yourself, the world and others. All this so that you stand in Love for yourself, in the truth to yourself, in your Wild Essence and the Power of Femininity.
Our process takes place online - on the Facebook platform, giving us the opportunity to meet beyond time and space, combining what is spiritual with what is material. We work in this space every day. Additionally, by connecting on the ZOOM platform on the scheduled dates for our Divine Meetings.
I am your mentor, guide in the process of tuning your Soul. This process is therapeutic in nature and gives you the opportunity to transform your body, mind and soul.
I respect the law of free will. Therefore, all changes in your energy, body and subconsciousness are made by you - in harmony with yourself, your readiness and inner wisdom.
The female path ...
REM Walking
REM Dancing
REM Expeditions
Divine Feminine - Devine Feminine means the infinite, timeless and universal dimension of the source female energy from which the entire universe is born. It has nothing to do with religion, although it was patriarchy that contributed largely to the distortion of femininity by putting it in a rigid frame, taking it from gifts and primal power.
Over the centuries, the Divine Feminine has been pushed to the bottom of human consciousness, making the primordial of love lost. Femininity has been reduced to physical characteristics and the ability to bear children, has lost the ability to feel and understand herself, the original essence of female energy.
First, demonized (times of the inquisition, burning at the witches' pyres), excluded (deprivation of rights, numerous prohibitions and orders, subordination to men), humiliated (objectification, use and manipulation), and finally effectively enslaved by depriving both women and men of their divine nature.
Many women are simply closed to their own power, feeling, contact with the body, cheese or womb . We let ourselves believe that we were too or too. We must not age with dignity. We embraced pain, fear and fear, multiple beliefs, and a distorted sexuality, losing our own identity.
Closed to our Divinity, we have acquired many male qualities. By protecting our sensitivity, fearing injury and rejection, we let cool calculation, lack of affection, or perfectionism and sacrifice determine our lives. This hard shell of the lack of a divine female and male pattern is passed down from generation to generation. We carry many wounds, traumas from the past, shame, fear, exclusion. These are both mental, bodily, such as , and spiritual blockages that result from our individual karma or collective consciousness. We are in emptiness, in a frozen heart, without feeling, without love for ourselves. And yet each of us wants to taste the richness of life and Femininity to the full. Each of us wants to cover ourselves with love, feel the joy of life, accept our body, feel ourselves at a deep level.
The universe is calling us to global awakening. The New Dawn needs the rebirth of the Divine Feminine - the strength and wisdom that lies dormant in each of us.
The female body is a living reflection of Mother Earth, a source of power and female wisdom. The Essence of Femininity combines life and death. When we live in harmony with the cycles of nature, with the rhythm of the seasons, when we tenderly wrap our bodies and have consent to both the light and the shadow in us, we live in complete harmony. The Womb is the Temple of our body and the home of our Power and Creation. It is the cyclical nature of dying and rebirth that creates a place in us for new emotions, sensations, projects and a life in harmony with ourselves. We are like the Holy Grail, full of dormant potential, fulfillment and creative power.
By accepting ourselves fully, taking on the Feminine - we can become everything and nothing - give a new shape, take any form. You can be whoever you want.
Femininity teaches us to dive into the depths of ourselves - into the dark - recesses of the subconscious, reaching for healing. Each shadow carries the potential of light and rebirth in wisdom and self-love. The Divine Feminine calls us to rediscover the primal wildness and juiciness of life.
The Divine Feminine calls us to heal sexuality by liberating the primal, wild being who has always been, is and will be part of you. Juicy and wild sexuality leads us to the joy of life. It is often an area unknown to us, forgotten or shamed. The Divine Feminine calls you to freedom and bliss, to the full enjoyment and ecstasy of being a Woman.
Healed Feminine is full of vitality and an ocean of infinite possibilities for manifesting your desires. It blooms like a flower wrapped in the sun. Joyful, light, playful, delightful, full of smell and taste, vibrant with life. This is what Femininity is like - it combines bodily cyclicality with inner wisdom, spirituality with matter, you with all that was, what is and what will be.
Are you ready to stand in the Power of your Feminine?
REM Dancing to warsztat tańca intuicyjnego, który korzysta z muzyki i dźwięków, by aktywować obszary mózgu odpowiedzialne za emocje i tym samym wspiera Cię w bezpiecznym uwolnieniu emocjonalnego napięcia poprzez ruch, głos i oddech.
Nie musisz umieć tańczyć. Zaufaj mądrości swojego ciała:)
Cały proces, podczas 2,5 godzinnego spotkania, odbywa się z moim prowadzeniem i wsparciem (medytacja w ruchu oraz praca z podświadomością).
W przypadku warsztatu w naturze należy doliczyć czas na ewentualne piesze dojście.
REM Expeditions to warsztat wyjazdowy, który łączy w sobie zarówno ruch i oddech, jak i pracę z głosem. Będziemy tu dużo chodzić, szczególnie po górach, co dodatkowo będzie aktywowało uśpione w nas blokady, traumy, emocje, szklane sufity czy przekonania.
Podczas REM Expeditions doświadczysz duchowego wglądu w samego siebie, medytacji, szamańskiej pracy z żywiołami oraz wszystkiego tego, co będziesz gotów uzdrowić stawiając się na wyprawę.
Każda wyprawa jest mocnym przeżyciem transformacyjnym na poziomie Ciała, Umysłu i Duszy.
Warsztaty Grupowe
REM Walking
PLN 9,000 - one-time payment until September 5, 2022
2 x PLN 5,000 payable until 5/09/2022 and 5/01/2023
3,000 PLN payable until 5/09/2022 and 10 x 800 PLN payable from 10/2022 to 07/2023 inclusive
REM Dancing
250 pln - płatność jednorazowa przy zapisie
REM Expeditions
oferta w planach :)
Warsztat Indywidualny
REM Walking
400 pln - płatność jednorazowa przy zapisie
Najbliższe terminy grupowe
Zostań certyfikowanym terapeutą metody REM
REM nie jest terapią sensu stricto. To moja autorska metoda pracy z ciałem i emocjami, która może być idealnym uzupełnieniem wszelkich innych terapii (np. psychoterapii)
zaburzenia ciśnienia krwi, pracy serca (arytmia, rozrusznik)
ograniczenia fizyczne i fizjologiczne: niedawne złamania kości czy skręcenia stawów; stany pooperacyjne, hypo/hiperglikemia; padaczka, zaawansowana/zagrożona ciąża; stan zdrowia uniemożliwiający chodzenie czy poruszanie się.
schorzenia psychiatryczne: psychozy; schizofrenia
Zapisując się na warsztat REM, podpisujesz dobrowolną deklarację udziału.